Thursday, February 18, 2010

How to read this Blog!!!

When I created this blog it was really the first blogging that I had ever done. As a result I probably made a few mistakes, like not planning ahead. What I mean is that if you come across the blog and aren't familiar with Kilimanjaro, by looking at the postings you have no sense of order in which to read. This posting, which will probably remain on the top of the heap for a while as I haven't been to Kili for a while and probably won't be back in the near future, will attempt to rectify that. This is going to be a table of contents, if you will, with a suggested order of reading.

Ok here goes. To read the climb from beginning to summit, read in this order:

1. Kilimanjaro: Part 1

2. Kilimanjaro: Arrival in Tanzania

3. Gate to Mandara Hut

4. Mandara to Horombo Huts

5. Horombo to Kibo

6. My Summit Climb

Reading in that order will get you from the bottom of the mountain to the top and back. The next two posts can be read at any time although probably after the above is better

7. The Side Effects of Diamox

8. The 'ambulances' of Kilimanjaro

The last two post are on a couple of the aspects of the natural history of the mountain and can be read in any order

9. Primates of Kilimanjaro

10. The Ravens of Kilimanjaro

And finally if you look just to the left of this text you will see
Photos from my Kili Climb. By double clicking on the photo below that you will be taken to my Picasa Web album of photos from the climb. I hope you enjoy this blog and find it inspiring and informative. Thanks for reading!!

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